July 27, 2024

You Need This Training if You’re a Federal Worker

It’s an uncertain time to be a federal worker. Get the training you need at the IAM’s William W. Winpisinger Center.

Three upcoming classes will help you prepare for whatever is ahead.

Note that only those who have not previously attended the program will be enrolled. Participants are chosen on a first come basis, therefore it is extremely important that the enrollment forms for each authorized lodge participant be completed and returned as soon as possible.

Federal Employees Basic Program | June 25-30, 2017
Application Deadline: April 24, 2017
Call Letter and Enrollment Form

The program will involve training in areas specific to the federal sector such as collective bargaining, the Hatch Act and legislative action, Prohibited Personnel Practices, Unfair Labor Practices and grievance handling, arbitration and an overview of the Federal Labor Relations Act. This program will be helpful to stewards, officers and business representatives who serve members in the federal sector.

Space is limited to 30 participants.

Federal Employees Advanced Program | July 9-14, 2017
Application Deadline: May 8, 2017
Call Letter and Enrollment Form

The program includes a review of basic concepts such as bargaining in the federal sector, unfair labor practices, and Weingarten and formal discussion rules. The class also includes a more in-depth examination of issues such as official time, dues deduction, work schedules and performance matters. There is also a review of procedures of the Merit Systems Protection Board and the EEO process. This program is helpful to stewards, officers and business representatives that serve members in the federal sector.

Space is limited to 30 participants.

Federal Employees Collective Bargaining Program | June 18-23, 2017
Application Deadline: April 17, 2017
Call Letter and Registration Form

The program will focus on negotiating ground rules, contract bargaining, mid-term bargaining, collective bargaining and the Federal Labor Relations Act, negotiability appeals, impasse procedures with the Federal Service Impasses Panel, and preparing the Local Lodge for negotiations. A one-day collective bargaining simulation will also be included. This program will be useful to stewards and officers who negotiate in the federal sector.

Space is limited to 24 participants.

If you have questions, please contact the Government Employees Department at 301-967-4753.

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Source:: iMail