July 27, 2024

Working People Mobilize to Delay Senate Healthcare Bill


Machinists Union members activated their voices this week to oppose a healthcare bill that makes working people pay billions while Washington steals coverage from millions.

On Tuesday afternoon, Senate Republicans caved to the pressure.

BREAKING: #HealthcareBill vote delayed until after July 4 recess due to lack of support.

We all did this. And we’re not letting up. #1u pic.twitter.com/kXcsDzUNAy

— Machinists Union (@MachinistsUnion) June 27, 2017

We must keep the pressure. Keep calling your Senators at 1-866-865-8089. Tell your Senators to start from scratch and pass healthcare reform that works for working Americans.

Another vote is expected after the July 4 recess.

Follow us on Twitter for updates.

Great for the super rich
🤒 Disastrous for the rest of us

Tell your Senators to #ProtectOurCare: 1-888-865-8089 pic.twitter.com/tEEZhKN2Dj

— Machinists Union (@MachinistsUnion) June 27, 2017

IAM International President Bob Martinez calls the bill, “a deadly diagnosis for working families.”

Tell me, @SenateGOP, how will 22 million Americans be “better” off without health insurance? The only people better off will be super rich.

— Robert Martinez, Jr. (@IAMBobMartinez) June 27, 2017

The Congressional Budget Office reported on Monday that the Senate bill will kick 22 million more Americans off insurance coverage. Four million working people on employer-provided plans are estimated to lose coverage in 2018 alone.

Working people are being asked to pay for their own demise. Despite billions in tax breaks to the super-rich, the bill keeps a 40 percent tax on employer-provided plans.

The bill punishes just about everybody—the sick, elderly and even veterans.

Veterans are speaking out against the Senate #Trumpcare bill which might hurt 1.75 million #veterans and their families #ProtectOurCare pic.twitter.com/1C9iwICxMb

— VoteVets (@votevets) June 26, 2017

Our calls have already made a big difference. CALL 1-866-865-8089 today.

The post Working People Mobilize to Delay Senate Healthcare Bill appeared first on IAMAW.

Source:: iMail