July 26, 2024

Only Three Days Remain to Enroll in the 2017 Veteran Services Program

Are you an IAM member with military service? Would you like to get involved in the IAM Veteran Services Program? You must register by Sunday, February 5 to be part of the third Veteran Services Program at the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center April 2-7 in Hollywood, MD.

The IAM understands military veterans can have unique situations and needs. This week-long course was developed to help IAM veterans themselves, better recognize those needs in order to help our members who have served our country.

Those interested in attending should complete and submit the participant registration form. Space is limited so participants will be accepted on a first-come, first served basis.

Permission from a local lodge officer is required for attendance.

Registration forms must be returned no later than February 5, 2017.

Download the 2017 Veteran Services Program registration form.

The post Only Three Days Remain to Enroll in the 2017 Veteran Services Program appeared first on IAMAW.

Source:: iMail