July 27, 2024

Machinists Say #ReplaceNAFTA

U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) recently headlined a #ReplaceNAFTA press conference in Washington, DC.

The IAM is pushing for an agreement that will create more jobs and higher wages for North American workers.
The IAM also participated in a National Day of Action with phone calls, tweets and emails to members of Congress.

It’s #ReplaceNAFTA Call-In Day! Click to call Congress & demand a deal that puts people before corporations: https://t.co/uGJia88PNc pic.twitter.com/qExsIaop3W

— Machinists Union (@MachinistsUnion) December 13, 2017

.@rosadelauro is a true champion for working families #ReplaceNAFTA pic.twitter.com/8EB2mhQjKR

— Machinists Union (@MachinistsUnion) December 13, 2017

#NAFTA renegotiation must:

✅ Ensure Worker Rights

✅ Raise Wages.

✅ Include Labor Rules with swift and certain enforcement #ReplaceNAFTA

— AFL-CIO (@AFLCIO) December 13, 2017

The post Machinists Say #ReplaceNAFTA appeared first on IAMAW.

Source:: iMail