Join Our Equal Pay Day Twitter Storm
Next Tuesday, April 4th, is Equal Pay Day—the day when the average woman’s earnings finally catch up to the average man’s earnings from the previous year.
Advocates mark this day to raise awareness about the causes and impact of the gender wage gap on women, families, and our economy and the solutions for closing the gap. Currently, women earn only 80 cents for each dollar earned by men, which means they must work nearly 15 months to earn what men earn in 12 months.
In 2017, this is unacceptable.
You are invited to join a coalition of women’s rights, labor, social justice, civil rights, economic justice and business leaders as we speak out for Equal Pay during our Twitter Storm on Tuesday, April 4th at 2 to 3 p.m. ET using #EqualPayDay. We also encourage you write op-eds and blogs on the gender wage gap and host and attend events across the country.
To co-sponsor the Twitter Storm and/or receive access to the Equal Pay Day 2017 Toolkit, complete the form.
Hosting or know of an Equal Pay Day event? Let us know.
Get started by sharing these tweets:
Join us in speaking out for #EqualPay on #EqualPayDay, Tuesday April 4th at 2-3 pm ET! 80₵ on $1 of a man isn’t enough 4 women & families.
— IAMAW (@MachinistsUnion) March 30, 2017
#EqualPayDay is Tues. April 4th! In preparation, make sure your Member of Congress is supporting the #PaycheckFairnessAct.
— IAMAW (@MachinistsUnion) March 30, 2017
The post Join Our Equal Pay Day Twitter Storm appeared first on IAMAW.
Source:: iMail
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