July 27, 2024

Government Accounting Glitch Threatening Livelihood of Camp Pendleton Police Officers

An accounting error by the federal government is threatening to take tens of thousands of dollars out of the paychecks of NFFE-IAM Police Officers at Camp Pendleton.

Police officers at the southern California military base, members of NFFE-IAM Local 919, were notified in April 2017 that the an eight-year payroll glitch had resulted in the overpayment of more than 120 active and retired officers. The Department of Defense’s Finance and Accounting Services office allegedly used an incorrect locality-based pay rate from 2008 to 2016.

Individual debts range from $12,000 to $80,000. The average overpayment was $3,500 annually, according to NFFE-IAM Local 919 President Robert Richey.

READ: This police officer was told to pay $40,000 to Department of Defense because of an 8-year payroll glitch The Orange County Register

Members have been given three options to resolve this matter: Pay the money back now, request a payment plan or submit a waiver request for the entire amount.

The IAM and NFFE are working with the Department of Defense and elected officials to resolve the matter.

READ: Civilian base officer with sick child must return thousands to government after clerical error NBC 7 San Diego

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Source:: iMail