July 27, 2024

White House Budget Would Gut Federal Workers’ Retirement

The National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE) strongly condemned the White House’s first budget proposal. This budget would affect the retirement security of 2.1 million federal employees.

NFFE National President Randy Erwin says the budget would destroy federal workers’ retirement.

“The President campaigned on being a champion for working people and protecting people’s retirement,” said Erwin. “Now, in his first opportunity to make good on those promises, he is throwing working people under the bus and gutting their retirement. We believe this may be the single largest attack on a group of workers’ retirement in our nation’s history. These proposed pension cuts are unconscionable.

“I’m sorry, gutting middle-class federal employees’ retirement security to make way for billionaire tax cuts is not how you make America great again.”

Read the rest of the press release.

Established in 1917, the National Federation of Federal Employees is the oldest union representing civil service federal employees. NFFE represents 110,000 federal employees in 35 departments and agencies government-wide. NFFE is affiliated with the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, AFL-CIO.

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Source:: iMail