Joint Air Transport Safety Committee Holds its Annual Meeting at Winpisinger Center
The IAM Joint Air Transport Safety Committee this week held its annual Safety Conference at the Winpisinger Training Center (W3). The purpose of the conference is to educate and train Safety Representatives on how to improve safety at their work stations.
The conference had 115 participants, including IAM ramp, customer service, mechanics and flight attendant members from the US and Canada. Members from six TWU locals at American Airlines and management representatives from United Airlines, American Airlines, Alaska Airlines, Hawaiian Airlines, Air Canada, Southwest Airlines and McGee Air Services also participated. Some members traveled from as far as Guam to attend.
“Our members’ on the job safety is and always will be the IAM’s first concern,” said GVP Sito Pantoja. “The IAM places great importance on the continuing education of all our reps so they can help provide safety improvements at the workplace.”
The attendees were given presentations on various safety issues, including “Active shooter in the Workplace” and “Sleep Deprivation and its Effect on Safety.”
A raffle was held for prizes donated by company corporate safety departments, district lodges, local lodges and individuals. Almost $2,000 was raised and will be donated to Guide Dogs of America.
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Source:: iMail
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