July 26, 2024

IAM Lockheed Votes Yes

The votes are in, the numbers are tallied and the answer is Yes! The Machinists at Lockheed Martin have a contract.

“I’m very proud of our Sisters and Brothers at Lockheed Martin for standing strong through this tough round of negotiations,” said International President Bob Martinez. “I want to thank Aerospace Chief of Staff Jody Bennett and the entire negotiating team. We will continue to fight and negotiate for all of our members going forward.”

The 5-year agreement covers Machinists and their families in locations spanning the United States from Georgia and Mississippi in the IAM’s Southern Territory to Sunnyvale and Palmdale, California in the Western Territory.

“In a fine display of our democracy, the IAM’s membership voted to ratify this agreement. The next five years of our members’ and their family’s futures are secure and have been forged through the solidarity of the Fighting Machinists of Lockheed Martin on the shop floor,” said Western Territory General Vice President Gary R. Allen.

Southern Territory General Vice President Mark A. Blondin could not be more proud of the work done for this ratification.

“The success of this Negotiation showcases why the Machinists Union is the Gold Standard in Aerospace and a leader in this industry,” said Blondin. “From the Lead Negotiators and members of the bargaining committees at the table to our Brothers and Sisters on the floor back home – you should be proud to have ratified a contract that mirrors what American Workers need. Your hard work and dedication to Lockheed Martin deserve a contract that offers increased wages, solidifies health care options and allows for a dignified retirement.”

To see the final agreement, you can log onto www.iamlockheed.com for information.

The post IAM Lockheed Votes Yes appeared first on IAMAW.

Source:: iMail