July 27, 2024

IAM Drivers Guild Wins In-App Tipping for Uber Drivers Nationwide

Thanks to pressure from thousands of ride-hail drivers joining together in the IAM’s Independent Drivers Guild, Uber riders across the United States will soon be able to tip straight from Uber’s app.

The company had long resisted the change, but a campaign led by the IDG—a Machinists Union affiliate—is poised to force Uber’s hand in its largest market, New York City.

“We were proud to lead the way in this fight on behalf of drivers in New York City and across the nation,” said Jim Conigliaro, Jr., IDG Founder and IAM Eastern Territory Chief of Staff. “This is an important first step toward a fairer ride-hail industry.”

In April, the New York City’s Taxi and Limousine Commission granted a petition by the IDG to create a rule requiring ride-hailing services to add in-app tipping.

Make no mistake: Uber is only doing this because IDG members successfully got NYC regulators to regulate tipping.https://t.co/ibURBsX3rz

— IDG (@DrivingGuild) June 20, 2017

A 20 percent gratuity would equate to a $300 million raise for New York City Uber drivers alone, according to the IDG. That’s a welcome sight to For-Hire drivers who have continuously seen their pay cut.

In-app debuted in Seattle, Minneapolis, and Houston on Tuesday. Every market will offer the feature by the end of July.

Our @DrivingGuild is winning fights we were told we couldn’t win. And we’re just getting started. #1u https://t.co/r9ryGjum8i

— Robert Martinez, Jr. (@IAMBobMartinez) June 21, 2017

1. The tipping campaign ain’t quite done yet.
2. Next stop, pay regulation. https://t.co/Fyeu8jYh8c

— IDG (@DrivingGuild) June 21, 2017

The Independent Drivers Guild represents over 45,000 For-Hire Vehicle drivers in New York City. The IDG is the first nonprofit labor organization to negotiate a seat at the table with ride share company and the first to offer crucial new protections and essential benefits while building worker power.

The post IAM Drivers Guild Wins In-App Tipping for Uber Drivers Nationwide appeared first on IAMAW.

Source:: iMail