July 26, 2024

Helping Local Lodge 219

The Leadership of Local Lodge 2003 is asking our members to help IAM Local Lodge 219.

Some 160 members of Local Lodge 219 have been on Strike against Lockheed Martin/AGM since October 1st, 2014 in Lexington, KY. Who support the military and Special Operations.

Lockheed/AGM is demanding an average 31% pay cuts with 22 proposed new and lower paid classifications along with unfair labor practice take-aways.

We are asking for anybody that can afford to give a cash donation to please do so.

You can give your donation to your Shop Steward, GNC, E-Board Member or you may bring your cash or check donation to the Union Hall in Daleville. All donation are tax deductible, please bring your donation to the Union Hall if you would like a receipt.

You can follow Local 219’s Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/IAMLODGE219 or their website at http://www.iam219.org

Please help our fellow Brothers and Sisters in Lexington!