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ILO Report
ILO Report
Average wages have stayed almost stagnant in the developed world, while wages in developing countries have fluctuated wildly by region. (Source: International Labour Organization) - Click image for full size.

Report: U.S. Wages Barely Rising; Collective Bargaining Needed to Address Worldwide Inequality

Wage growth in developed countries, including the U.S., has remained almost stagnant since 2006, according to the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) 2014-15 Global Wage Report. Average wage growth in developed economies fluctuated up or down around 1 percent per year…

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Election Notice

The International has ruled that all candidates nominated for Grievance Negotiating Committee on the L3 Communications contract will remain on the ballot. The Bylaws Committee will meet and update the current Bylaws. Election Date: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 Election Location:…

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