2020 AOLAF Scholarship Applications
It’s that time of year again to hand out some scholarships from the Alabama Organized Labor Awards Foundation (AOLAF). There are several opportunities available for anyone that wishes to supply. You will find a list and forms below. The banquet will be held on June 6, 2020 at the Embassy Suites Birmingham-Hoover.
There is also an award for each of Labor Person of the Year, Hall of Fame (Living), Hall of Fame (Posthumous), and Friend of Labor. Forms for nominations for these awards are also enclosed. No more than one nominee will be accepted, except for Hall of Fame (Living), which will have 5 selected this year.
If you wish to submit a nomination for and AOLAF Award for the 2020 Banquet, you must complete the forms in their entirety and the Awards Committee MUST receive them by close of business March 27, 2020. Any form not filled out completely will not be considered!
All forms for essay rules and scholarship applications can be found by CLICKING HERE.
Forms for Hall of Fame, Labor Person of the Year and Friend of Labor can be found by CLICKING HERE.
All available scholarships are listed below:
The 2020 Central Alabama Building Tradel’ Scholarship:
1 – $4,000.00 Scholarship
(Funded by Central Alabama Building Trades and The Pat Keahey Law Firm)
The 2020 Billy Tindle Memorial Scholarship:
1 – $3,500.00 Scholarship
(Funded by 1AM District Lodge 75 and The Pat Keahey Law Firm)
The 2020 James Albright Memorial Scholarship:
1 – $1,500.00 Scholarship
(Funded by The Gardner Firm PC)
The 2020 James F. Swindle Memorial Scholarship:
1 – $1,500.00 Scholarship
(Funded by Quinn, Connor, Weaver, Davies & Ronco Law Firm)
The 2020 Pat Keahey Scholarship In Honor of Southern Building Trades:
1 – $1,000.00 Scholarship
(Funded by The Pat Keahey Law Firm)
The 2020 Pat Keahey Scholarship In Honor of United Steelworkers:
1 – $1,000.00 Scholarship
(Funded by The Pat Keahey Law Firm)
The 2020 Pat Keahey Scholarship In Honor of Northern Building Trades:
I – $1,000.00 Scholarship
(Funded by The Pat Keahey Law Firm)
The 2020 United Mineworkers of America Cecil E. Roberts Scholarships:
2 – $1,000.00 Scholarships
(Funded by United Mineworkers of America)
The 2020 UA Pipeliners Local 798 Scholarship:
1 – $1,000.00 Scholarship
(Funded by U A Pipeline rs Local 798)
The 2020 United Steelworkers District 9 Scholarship:
1 – $1,000.00 Scholarship
(Funded by United Steelworkers District 9)
The 2020 Southern Nuclear Company Scholarship:
1 – $1,000.00 Scholarship
(Funded by Southern Nuclear Company)
The 2020 Alabama Coalition of Black Trade Unionists Scholarship:
1 – $1,000.00 Scholarship
(Funded by Alabama Coalition of Black Trade Unionists)
The 2020 Walker-Ennis Memorial Scholarships:
2 – $500.00 Scholarships
(Funded by Alison Washington/AFLAC)
*This year, our essay topic will be: “You are applying for this scholarship because a family member
belongs to a union. How did union membership impact his/her life? This could include, ‘but not
limited to, working conditions, pay, benefits, etc. Compare the experience of your family with what
research says about union membership.”
Good Luck to all applicants and Nominees!!!
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