The Local would like to announce that we have teamed up with, the oldest and largest fully unionized Internet Service Provider in the United States, to develop a UnionActive website system that is the ultimate tool for the Local to maintain a professional web presence with up-to-the-minute information and powerful membership communication tools. Thousands of Union locals use UnionActive on a daily basis for essential business. Best of all, it's 100% Union Made by Unions-America!
We will have our custom mobile APP ready to install in just a few weeks. With the APP, we will be able to send instant push messages to all APP users (iPhone and Android). You will also be able to access most of the content, from the new website, directly from the APP.
As we get closer to completing the app development, we will communicate with our members with details on how to install and login.
Please be patient as this process is completed.
In Solidarity,
Executive Board
International Association of Machinists
and Aerospace Workers, Local Lodge 2003